Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Long Time, No See

Haven't been writing much, lately, have I? Truth to be told, I don't know what to write. That's not strictly speaking, true. What I meant was that I don't know what to write for the blog. I do write, and I do want to write and publish. I do write other stuff, not fit for the blog, and I have been focussed on that, lately.

Writing on this blog has really given me confidence, and that is thanks to you, dear Readers (if you still see this). I didn't think anyone would want to read what I wrote when I started. Gradually I have come to believe I can write, and that has been very important for me. So thanks!

Somehow I don't feel the urge to write my fantasies on the blog, like I did before. I'm not saying I'm closing the blog, just that I need to think what to do with it. If there are readers still, out there, I don't mind hearing from you. Are you, like me, interested in what hides behind the fantasies?

I have more and more come to be fascinated by the themes that fantasies touch upon, not just for pleasure, or entertainment, but for what they mean to me, to you, to us. I think, as you know, that there is more going on below the surface, that it isn't just a pastime, for a thrill. I think fantasies touch upon emotions and experiences that are hidden for us. I am not so naïve that I think we can analyse everything that's there, but still, to me, fantasies are more than just entertainment.

Tell me what you think. And if you don't want to, don't. Have a lovely Christmas, and a brilliant New Year, all the same.

I have started to moderate the comments, and that is not because anyone has been rude, but because the spam-filter has started to let through a lot of spam, and I will not be able to monitor the blog during Christmas. So if you comment, don't despair, I will read them. And hopefully this will be only a temporary measure.

I have added a picture to this blogpost, completely unrelated to the text, just to cheer you up.