Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Merry Christmas

It must be the darkness. The darkest day of the year has just passed and the good thing with that is that we head towards spring and light. I am looking forward to it. But first there is Christmas and ours will be a relaxed and nice one, not too much of visitors and other duties.

I really haven't much to say now. I don't like winters and they are not good for my inspiration. But there will be better times. I just want to wish you a brilliant Christmas (even if you don't celebrate it) and a Happy New Year. You are a patient lot and I do appreciate that. Take care and be nice to yourselves and others.


Paul said...

Janice, have a wonderfully relaxing time, and then try and sleep through January and February.
Try not to miss spring.
Male Ballet dancers have muscles like spring steel, I've known a few, not just their arms.
Love and warm hugs,

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays, dear girl.

Hope you are refreshed in body and mind.

Warm wishes,

Wystan E

Richard Windsor said...


Following the roaring success of the spanking universe, and after blogger deleted the original, I am happy to announce that the Spanking Universe is back. I purchased a website last week and you can see the new page here:

Your site was added on its inception and I would like to request that you update your old link to the Universe to the new link, which is:

The exact link above will direct everyone to the updates page. Let the HITS begin, we are back, bigger than ever!!

Nearly 50% of sites have already linked back and as I did before, should sites choose not to link back in I will create a separate list for them. It is only fair to sites that link back in to separate them from sites that don't. Next weekend I will be separating the list and those sites that don't link back will be on the sidebar as a regular text link.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation in updating your links. You won't be troubled any more by me trying to promote the site for the benefit of the community.

Richard Windsor.

Janice said...

Dear Paul, I think that is good advice...smiles. I was just thinking that you may be referring to what they could do with their strong arms.

Dear Wystan, I am refreshed, but it is still winter.

Dear Richard, sorry for the delay, when you read this, I will have updated the links...thank you.

