Thursday, 25 October 2007

Touch Me...

This may be a little darker and a little more poetic than my last blog entry. But you know me by now, at least a little and you know I jump between moods and thoughts. And this is to express how it feels sometimes. So, don't read too much into this! It is not a description.

Touch me, I am lonely!

Come and love me, I am lonely! I am in darkness, I can't see you. Love me!

See me, my love, see me! Look at me and see me! I am invisible.

Let me be, who I am. Come and love me! I need you now. I am nothing, love me for being nothing.

I am angry now, I am sad and angry and I want to be loved. Love me! Touch me!

Don't ask me to love you, don't ask me to see you. I am blind and I am cold, cold as dead. I can do nothing. I can say nothing. I am empty, spent and tired to my bones. I am exhausted, lost and scared. I am tired. To the core of my being I am tired. I have struggled, I have fought but I want no more wars, no more fights.

Love me! Touch me!

Touch me and make me feel beautiful. I want to be beautiful. I want to feel life.

Oh, how sweet it would be to be touched by you. How beautiful I would be in your embrace, in your love. Come and love me for I am lonely!


Paul said...

Janice, lonely is bad, I know.
I know, not reality, poetry.
Thank you for sharing.

Dove said...

Oh, my dear Janice, I shouldn't have read this one at work. It made me weep. Sad, poignant it hurt to read. Beautifully written as always.
Big Hugs

Anonymous said...

Your honesty is searing.
It touches me -- I mean tangibly, not as metaphor.
It touches all those who read it -- we all understand.
Is such honesty also liberating?
Do you, Janice, feel comforted,saying this -- this prayer -- and releasing it, as into a breeze?
I hope your prayer is answered -- and all our prayers.

Janice said...

Paul, Dove, Wystan, I thank you for your comments. It is liberating to write, and it always is, not only when I write painful things like this. But remember, dark feelings are like ogres and trolls, they melt in the sun! I am not always in that dark place and writing is a way, sometimes, to approach the darkness in my heart, in an orderly fashion. So, dear friends, don't read too much into this, although, I am quite proud I managed to touch you with my scribblings!

Strange and Imaginary