In my mind I go to places that may seem quite unwelcoming and harsh there to be subjected to degrading and painful treatment. Why on earth would you like to experience that? I know this is not problematic for most people but it is for me and one reason for me to blog is to share with others some of those fantasies that are exciting and interesting for me but seem strange and maybe even horrible at the same time.
A setting for fantasies is a town square in a medieval town. The square is lined with tall buildings and covered in cobble stones. There is a market going on and the space is full of people going about their business or waiting for the entertainment. At one end of the square there is a scaffold and this will be the scene for the ensuing entertainment. That is the place where the women of the town are punished in public. Depending on the punishment of the day different horrible devices may be found on top of it. This day there will be a whipping so the platform will have a sturdy pole standing in the middle.
Of course I am part of the entertainment, you could even say that I am the main character, at least one of the main characters. I am to be punished this day and people have gathered on the square to see me being whipped. They are in a great mood.
I was ushered towards the platform by two armed guard. It must have look strange with these two men pushing a tiny figure towards her punishment. My knees were weak and my body was trembling. The crowd shouted and cheered and welcomed me, although they were not there to show me any mercy. They were there to see me punished, to see me suffer.
I was pushed onto the the creaking stairs and soon I could be seen by the multitude of people who were there for the entertainment. They could see me ascend the platform, walking towards my punishment. I was clad only in a thin, partly torn, dress that fell off my shoulder. My hands were tied behind my back so I could do nothing to adjust my simple clothing. I felt exposed as I entered the platform.
What I saw there made me want to turn around and flee, to escape what awaited me there. There was no escape for me, however, the guards held me and I could not but walk towards my doom.
In the middle of the platform there was a sturdy wooden pole fastened in the floor. An iron ring and some rope made the device complete. What caught my eyes was not the pole but the man standing beside it. He was gigantic. He was the most powerful man I had ever laid my eyes on. He was muscular and taller than the guards that held me. I must have looked like a child at his side.
He was dressed in black boots and red trousers. He had a black mask covering his face and his upper body was exposed. His muscular body glistened in the sun Around his hips hung a broad leather belt and in that belt he had put his tool of trade, the whip.
I stared at the whip, I stared at the man. My gaze was transfixed at his body, his muscles, his strength and the vicious whip that hung by his side. He was a man that could make any girl weak in her knees but the thought of that man using his strength to punish me made my head swirl and I almost fainted. I was held upright by the guards and they had to almost drag me towards the menacing looking pole and the gigantic man.
'Welcome my lady,' the masked man said politely but with an evil smile on his face. I was standing between the guards, shivering, unaware of anything but the man standing in front of me.
'Greet your lover!' he said and made a gesture towards the pole, 'you are soon about to embrace him.'
I felt the blood disappear from my face at that. Fear grew in me and I almost began to beg him to spare me. I knew it would be to no avail but fear makes people weak and I was weak.
'Prepare her!' the man said sharply turning to my guards.
The guards took hold of my thin dress and with one powerful movement ripped it open. They smiled at me and looked content as they brutally stripped me. They tore my dress from my body, down from my shoulders and I had to take a step to the side not to fall over. Soon my upper body was free and the crowd cheered as they could see my small breast shivering in their new and unwelcome freedom. Soon the guards ripped the rest of my dress from my hips and after some tearing and ripping I was completely naked.
The guards looked at me with lust in their eyes and one of them roughly and eagerly fondled my breasts as he stripped me. The crowd was in uproar, laughing and cheering them on. The gigantic man turned towards me.
'That's better, my lady,' he said, 'now you are ready for me.'
He stared at my body and I could do nothing to protect me, my hands being tied behind me. Everyone could see me. I was given no mercy. I was naked and exposed and everyone on the square could see me.
The masked man made a gesture and the guards pushed me towards the pole. Brutally and ruthlessly they pushed my body against the rough surface of the wooden pole. They held me in place, pressing my breasts and belly against the pole while they untied my hands and pulled them forward. The man with he whip took hold of my hands and tied a rope around them binding them together. When he was satisfied the guards let me go. I could not move far since my arms now almost embraced the pole and I was tied to it, facing it.
The rope around my bound hands ran through the iron ring at the top of the pole and soon the masked man pulled my hands upwards forcing my body against the pole once more. He pulled and pulled and I had to stretch my body and stand on my toes but he kept on pulling at the rope. Soon I was almost hanging from my hands, my belly pressed to the pole, the soft skin on my breasts rubbing against its rough surface.
Now I was ready for my punishment. Now I was ready to receive the whip. I tried to look over my shoulder at the masked man as he walked round me. I saw him move to the edge of the platform bowing to the audience. He made a show of this. I saw him take out his whip and holding it above his head. Fear overcame me and I had to close my eyes. I heard the roar from the crowd.
Suddenly they fell silent. I sensed that the man was standing close to me. My heart stopped beating. It was time.
I heard the menacing sound of the whip sweeping through the air. It was followed by a sharp, resounding and evil sound. It was the sound of its leather against my soft skin. Then came the pain. It felt like someone pressed a hot iron bar against my body. Words cannot describe the excruciating pain that my body had to suffer.
I held my breath, tensed my body. The first lash had hit me across my buttocks. The second followed immediately after, this time a little lower, on my thighs, almost. I felt how I lifted my feet and hung in my bonds. The crowd roared at that and laughed without mercy. I was, really, a spectacle to watch and they enjoyed it mercilessly.
The gigantic man proceeded to lash my body without mercy and I lost track of everything. The only thing that existed was his whip and the unbearable, excruciating pain that it caused. I almost fainted and my head was dizzy.
The whip wrapped around my body stinging my soft belly and my poor bosom at times. The man was ruthless and whipped me with vigour. I had to endure, I had to go trough it. There was no escape for me. I was only a naked and bound girl being punished at the square.
I didn't notice that he had stopped. It took me some time to realise that he had stopped whipping me. I was exhausted, hanging from my bound hands, my body on fire, my breasts and belly and thighs scratched from their contact with the pole.
My ordeal was over. I had been punished.
Not very interesting to go on here. It is, indeed, a quite brutal fantasy and I find it hard to understand why it is still exciting. It is a bit over the top and maybe slightly over dramatic but I like it that way sometimes, more of everything.
It is fantasies of this kind that show that some things are better lived out in the mind than in reality.
" It is fantasies of this kind that show that some things are better lived out in the mind than in reality. "
I do agree of course...but reading about that cruel whipping was such an experience! To tell the truth, apart the topic which I LOVE... you do write good!
Thank you so much!
It is very kind of you to say that. Good to know that you appreciated my writing and my fantasies.
It is sometimes good to allow your fantasies to be a little brutal...
Interesting how our imaginations run in parallel. I have told this very story (with variations to suit, of course) many times... of course, from a different point of view. My stories are punctuated with questions. I would have so many for you...
Well written,you have an obvious feel for your subject.It can be possible to live your fantasy,maybe not fully but to a limited degree.If your into BDSM,it would be easy to arrange,with a limited audience and as much or little pain as you desire.But keep on fantasising,a lot of people have similar thoughts.
Dear Kydog, Thank you for your comment. I suppose you are right, that it is possible to realise a fantasy like this. Still I think I prefer this kind to remain a fantasy.
it's not for everyone Janice.But isn't imagination a wonderful thing?I think this story is more about the shame and embarrassment of being stripped naked in public,than the pain of the whip!
Being into SM I can understand the emotions involved.
A great read though.More of the same please.
Dear Kydog, imagination is, indeed, a wonderful thing and I am so grateful I was gifted with a very vivid one. I think, as you say, that this story is a lot about the shame and embarrassment of being stripped naked in public. Very much so.
I too love this topic. It is one I think about often also. I try to imagine how it felt to be stripped naked in front of a crowd, tied to a post and whipped for everyone's entertainment. I have read that for some people the whippings can bring on an orgasm, because of the bodies reaction to the whipping and the minds reaction to the forced public nudity. The feeling of helplessness and being naked in front of a crowd can bring about erotic and exhibitionistic feelings. I know that in my fantasies I would be aroused and would probably put on a good show for the crowd.
Dear Anonymous, it is a favourite fantasy, isn't it...smiles? I like the way you describe it, 'The feeling of helplessness and being naked in front of a crowd can bring about erotic and exhibitionistic feelings' and '...probably put on a good show for the crowd.' Sort of sums it up, doesn't it? I fell the same. Have to admit that the thought of that much pain really scares me...strange, I know.
Yes, the pain does scare me as well, but I think that is part of what makes it such a vivid fantasy. The naked public whipping you have described is the first of three humiliating forced public nudity steps in crucifixion. I'm not talking about anything religious here. If you do some research into it you will see the person is first tied to a post naked and whipped. Then they are forced to carry the crossbeam that is tied across their shoulders to the place of the crucifixion. As they carry the beam through town they are completely naked before the crowd that has gathered along the streets. When they reach the site they are raised up the main pole and their legs are then tied to either side of the post. The victim is now crucified naked before the crowd. The victim hangs there for the entertainment of the people that have come to watch them struggle naked. I have read some very detailed descriptions of what happens when a person is crucified naked, it's quite erotic.
Dear Anonymous,
I was thinking of the public whipping as a standalone punishment but I see your point. I don't often go there, to that sort of thing, but a public punishment with lots of nudity can't be wrong, can it? And people don't have to die, do they? I want them to be happy in the end.
No, no one has to die, as a matter of fact in Roman times they held crucifixions in the amphitheaters as public entertainment. And yes any punishment with lots of public nudity for entertainment is always a good thing!!! By the way, I have read several of your other stories and am fascinated with the way you write. The details and thoughts you include make the words so real. Also, did you draw the pictures here yourself? And if so, do have any others you would like to share about public whippings? Just as humiliating was the pillory, I understand that they would leave people naked in public attached to the pillory as well.
So many of us have the same kind of fantasy. Ever since I saw Richard Harris's bare back whipped to shreds in "Mutiny on the Bounty" decades ago, my constant fantasy is to be tied nude to the whipping post and flogged till nearly unconscious while hundreds watched. Then, barely able to walk, I would be led through town so that people, especially the women, could get a close look at my bloody, torn back and bare genitals.
It has been chronicled that whippings produce erections whether the man being whipped is naked or simply stripped to the waist, in public or in confines. After about the second or third lash, the victim's penis begins to grow to erection and by half a dozen lashes is fully erect and remains so through the entire ordeal. I would imagine in a public whipping, the combination of exposing oneself naked to all those people and having them watch you endure the torture of the lashes would be extremely erotic. All I can say is that I would love to find out for myself!! Loved your story!!
Dear Eddie, I didn't know this about men's reactions to being whipped. Amazing, though. But is it a purely physical reaction or is it due to arousal? In the second case, would women have a corresponding reaction to being whipped. So many questions.
Thanks for reading...smiles.
Hi Janice,
Didn't know if this blog was still alive or not. Glad to see it is. Back somewhere in the mid 90's I ran across an article titled "The Eroticism of Torture". In it, they explained that the subconscious mind has a hard time differentiating extreme pain from pleasure when the pain is being inflicted from an outside source and the victim is not in control. There must be an element of fear present. This eliminates arthritic pain, etc from producing erotic reactions. Hence, the term "pain is pleasure". They only cited the erection phenomenon in males when whipped but I don't remember any reference to women's reaction. I would think it would apply to women as well, though, as it's a human reaction.
I've searched for this article many times since, but have never been able to find it. If you have any more whipping stories of your own or some favorites from others, would love to have you share.
Cheers from sunny South Florida,
Dear Eddie, if you click on the name of the blog at the top of the page you will see the latest entries.
It is interesting what you say about that article. I wouldn't associate fear with arousal but maybe it is just me being a wimp...chuckles.
Hey Janice,
Thanks for the link info. I just sent you an email via this site to tell you that I've set up my own blog. Nothing there yet, but you have to start somewhere.
I have just by chance come across your fantasy story of public whipping. I thoroughly enjoyed it! I have a small circle of online female friends who also share such fantasies of public punishment set in "olden times". I often entertain them with stories depicting such events as well as roleplaying online.
The square you described is very similar to the one I usually portray. I envision these events taking place in the Europe of the late 1600's to early 1700's. I weave historical fact with fantasy. The shame and humiliation of the female miscreant are very important elements of her sentence as well as the punishment itself.
As the Lord High Justice, my "sentences" often go beyond a simple public flogging at the post. One of my favorites is for the wanton female to be mounted astride the wooden horse and then to be given her "upper discipline" upon bare breasts and belly. Another method is for her to be secured on her back with legs spread wide to a wheel which is slowly rotated from beneath the scaffold. She might receive the lash upon her bared pudenda...or a goat might be turned lose to lick away the honey poured over her gaping female bits. Imagine the gathered onlookers' reactions to such spectacles!
I would enjoy hearing [reading] your thoughts and comments about these fantasies. Can you imagine yourself as the poor unfortunate female sentenced to such degrading treatment and public humiliation?
The Count
Dear Count, I am glad you enjoyed my story, thank you, ever so much, for letting me know. I do return to different kinds of town squares although I think I imagine them to be a tad more medieval. I think I often stay with the traditional flogging although your ingenuity sets my imagination in motion.
And, yes, I would imagine myself as the victim or, perhaps, the witness to the culprit's ordeal.
My dear Janice - I thought I would take the time to add a few more "details" to what might happen in the square in one of my fantasies....to hopefully whet your appetites and to further fuel your fantasies. It is always a pleasure to chat with like-minded dreamers!
On the day of her punishment, the unfortunate female would be marched through the streets from the jail to the main square of the city. She would be stripped naked to her waist, clad only in a simple shift tied low on her hips, well below the navel. Her hair is piled high atop her head and her feet are bare. The wrists and neck are tightly secured in a heavy wooden yoke. Sweat trickles from the furry nests of her underarms, her naked upper torso glistening in the warm sun. Her belly pants frantically, ribs clearly visible with each intake of breath. A file of soldiers march to either side of the diminutive form, to escort her through the jeering throngs that line the narrow cobblestoned streets. People hang out of their windows and over the railings of their balconies to catch a glance of this bare breasted wench as she shuffles by. A drummer marches at the front, beating a steady rhythm that announces their approach.
The comments and taunts fill her ears...lewd remarks about the size of her breasts...how the nipples harden...her face reddens with the shame she feels, tears running down her lovely face....there is not the slightest modicum of mercy shown to her. It is obvious to all that she is quite deserving of the harsh treatment that awaited her atop the scaffold in the main square...the tap-tap-tap of the drum echoed off the stone walls as the procession drew closer....
I hope this helps to paint a vivid picture for you Janice and stirs your imagination. Shall I continue?
The Count
Mmmmmm....Janice, I must admit I loved your comment that not only could you imagine yourself as the victim but also as a witness to her punishment.
I would greatly enjoy [if you feel comfortable sharing] hearing about your thoughts and feelings as you stand in the square watching one of your own gender being publicly shamed and degraded before all.
I also share your love
for "attention to detail". It is often the "little" things that make make fantasies so erotic. I myself like such things as the sheen of perspiration
and the heaving of the belly and skin tautly stretched over the ribs. I also prefer that the victim is unshaven and left in her natural state between her thighs and under her arms, as would have befitted the "olden days".
So, there you have it...more "food for thought"! I hope you don't mind this sudden "onslaught" of blogging from me. But I do believe we have alot to discuss and share! LOL....I hope you agree.
The Count
Dear Count, I am chuffed, indeed, for your comments. I am not sure, though, that the comments box is the most ideal place for an exchange of stories. You could always check my Profile (accessible from the blog, link to the right) and there find my email.
Milady Janice - As a "Yank", I am assuming that "chuffed" is a good thing! LOL I agree that e-mail is a far better method by which to exchange stories and I shall be attending to this matter later this evening. I gather then that you might enjoying reading one [or more] of my tales of female woe? I know that I'd would most like to read more of yours...and to exchange ideas and thoughts about such matters.
The Count
An e-mail awaits you.
The Count
Your story was absolutely breathtaking. I've had similar fantasies ever since I was in my early teens.
I've experienced the fear, the joy, and the pain of living out some fantasies, often as a disobedient slaveboy, or a common thief, or the town hooligan, but one thing I've never been able to experience is being punished at the whipping post in a public setting.
For me, pain is incredibly erotic; yet, when it becomes so intense, and so severe that it is no longer erotic, it begins to become deeply Spiritual.
Much like taking coarse sand paper to rough wood, and laying into the wood with one stroke after another, the roughness of the wood yields to smoothness.
An intense whipping does the same thing for me; when the pain becomes too much to bear, it starts to have a very Spiritually cleansing effect upon me.
Just as the sand paper strips away the coarseness and roughness of the wood, the whip biting into the bare flesh of my naked back and my sensitive, tender, and ohhhhhhhh soooooo vulnerable sides slowly strips what I refer to as the "dark energy", the forces of negativity and Spiritual darkness from my Spirit.
After the erotic dimmensions of pain yeild to sheer, unrelenting agony, the punishment reaches a point of being pure, undilluted hell. I'm no longer bouned to the whipping post to be erotically gratified; I'm there to be punished My flesh fears it, my mind absoulutely HATES it, but my Spirit craves it.
While my "offenses" revolve around fantasy and role play, the punishment is rooted in a Spiritual chastening that for me, is very theraputic, and Spiritually restorative.
Your words resounded strongly within me, and I thank you for them. I also applaud you and congratulate you for your Spiritual and moral courage in daring to share your deep and intimate thoughts and feelings.
Thank you BareFootHippie, I am chuffed and amazed that my story struck such a well tuning chord in you. In a way, I think you express something of what I feel, that there is a, perhaps, a spiritual side to it. I am not sure what to call it but maybe your words capture it. They ring true to me although I haven't expressed myself in those terms.
Be very welcome to my blog and thank you for reading. Feel free to comment or send me an email if there is anything you want to talk about. I started this blog in order to share my thoughts and fantasies, that is what it is all about.
I am fasinated by the type of severe public punishment described. You write your fanatsies so well, it could almost be real.
I am totally against anyone being really hurt but would love to act out such a punishment.
Thanks Janice
love Lucy
Janice, it was inspiring to read about your fantasy; it brought back some great memories of the whipping games my ex-partner and I used to play. She had the need to be disciplined and found it very arousing and I certainly got a lot of pleasure in obliging. Our sessions were originally just spankings but soon they weren't providing enough so we acted out the fantasy of the medieval town square. I would tie the naked woman with arms stretched up to a crossbar between two posts and after reading her sentence, would give her the punishment of usually 25 lashes with a cat-o-nine-tails on her bare back. We were both so turned on by the whippings that it always led to great sex.
Janice, I would have liked to read a graphic description of your public flogging - the sound of the whip, the feel of the lashes burning across your back and the pleasure from your pain.
Dear Lucy, I am so sorry I missed your comment. Had I seen it I had come here and replied much sooner. Thank you for the compliment. That is the power of fantasies that they can be almost real but still not real.
Dear BossyBoots, I am glad my post brought back nice memories. I am sure I will return to this theme, many times.
Whipping or any form of corporal punishment should always be completed in front of an audience or in public. This adds greatly to the person being punished humiliation. It is also important that they understand people get pleasure from watching them suffer. Those to be punished should be tied and displayed in public for a minimum of 2 hours prior to and 2 hours after punishment so that they can be further humiliated by the public, spitting on, pinching slapping and spanking to be encouraged.
I totally agree with Anonymous (message of December 5): whipping or any form of corporal punishment should always be completed in front of an audience or in public. And I add... the person being punished must be TOTALLY NAKED (of course!)
It is always interesting to read of accounts of such punishments. However I doubt there are many who would support the return of public or semi public corporal punishment for wrongdoing, i.e. caning or birching muggers, thief's etc. UK and European law would view it as a breach of your human rights.
There may be some among us who feel a genuine need to confess and undergo punishment. As always many talk about professional dominants, but this is missing the point. This is not punishment.
Human rights should ensure you genuinely fear being caught, brought in front of a court, being sentenced and then punished. The simple fact that you are to be brought in front of a group of strangers naked and in fetters (never less than twelve, no upper limit). These strangers will guide the sentencing panel as to your punishment, setting out the implements to be used and the number of strokes. Will listen to you read out the statement of your crimes, your punishment and your acceptance of the punishment and that if the punishment awarded cannot be delivered in a single session (or is deemed to be inadequate) that you will be brought back to receive further punishment at regular intervals until all those watching are happy that you have atoned for your crimes. As in the olden days the wealthy would pay to see the unfortunate punished a rewarding business for the jailer.
Are there genuine jailers out there?
In a modern world can physical courtrooms be replaced by virtual?
Can sentencing be completed by internet poll, and punishments shown live on the internet?
How many would genuinely take pleasure in seeing justice being delivered?
Your blogg it's quite interesting. This it'a an old fantasie of mine, since i was a litle boy. I usually imagine a public whipping very similar to your's, (with same variations), where i place women who attracts me. At the end of the punishment they may also be branded, they are exposed for a long time, with their welts and marks, and sometims sold as slaves. Of course, this it's only a fantasie, i reprove real violence, but i see that many people have similar thought. I am sorry for my english, that it is far from perfect, but i enjoyed your text. Thak you for share it.
Dear Anonymous, it seems as if this fantasy is quite archetypal, or at least very common. There are many people who share this fantasy of a brutal, public whipping. I wonder why it is like that. Welcome to my blog and I how you will find something of interest here.
Why do people consider such punishments as fantasies?If we had a proper system of crime, punishment and retribution regular public floggings, canings, whippings and birchings would be common. It is sad in this modern age that we have gone soft. Punishments of this nature would greatly reduce crime levels and those stupid enough to commit offenses and get caught would provide a worthy spectacle for all to watch and enjoy.
Dear Anonymous, your opinions isn't mine and I will retain a hope that you have your tongue firmly in your cheek. I allow myself to doubt the efficiency of such a system.
Sweet web site, I hadn't come across strangeimagination.blogspot.com previously in my searches!
Continue the superb work!
I am lucky enough to be able to live my erotic bondage and whipping fantasies and I know I am attracted to the drama and passion of it. But, I have always wondered, what is it about the whip that is such a turn-on? Does anyone have any theories/insight?
The other punishment, reserved for specific crimes, were led to a public pillory, where he was spread eagle while naked, and then castrated
with a bullwhip. This could last up to an hour, depending on the weight of the whip and the skill of the woman doing the lashing.
Appreciate your revealing this specific nice post with a good topic, some excellent knowledge you possess.
I read an account during the reign of the mad Caligula where male slaves were brought into the Coloseum and strung up naked by their ankles, and emasculated with a whip. The audience members actually bet on how many strokes it would take to complete the task. Women would fight for the best seats at these spectacles. I always wondered how the next slave felt watching the whipping and knowing he was next.
Dear Readers, this is one of my oldest posts but it is the one that generates the most comments. Any new readers, welcome. It is great to read your comments, your suggestions and thoughts. Thank you for reading and commenting. You guys mean a lot to me.
Janice I loved your story. I have often through the years fantasized about being flogged nude in public, or watching a nude girl get whipped.
I role play quite often and search for sites to fulfill my fantasy. I must say that as I read stories like this and others it excites me to the point of erection, and as I continue to read I feel the need to masturbate, as I masturbate I put myself into these roles. I am not a violent person but it is nice to fulfill my fantasy through your story. I love the prelude as she is walked to the post then stripped naked and tied to the point that she stands only on her toes. Her wrist and ankles tied, then the flogging begins.
If anyone is interested in a great female flogging scene where an attractive girl is taken into the woods, stripped naked and tied from a tree, the search kathy williams whipping scene. this is from an older movie called Ramrodder.
Please keep them coming, I love a great story to masturbate to.
I'n relieved to know that there are others besides me who relish your fantasy. I'm a closet spanko who shares the imagination of a beautiful woman, bared to the waist, bound to the whipping post, and lashed mercilessly across her lovely, alabaster back until a plethora of (bloodless)stripes is visible on the tender skin.
i would have left you to suffer naked and cold through a few nights then whipped you. Hopefully i could go through the same ordeal next to you. If only there was a place in the world where nude public punishment, whipping and crucifixion were allowed, i would violate laws on purpose.
I would love to be whipped in public, an all woman public whipping, with an older motherly type to give me at least 60 lashes. While another woman stands near counting out each lash, 1, 2, 3 ect. I would be naked and both women would be topless. The audience of women would be many watching, ranging in age from 18 to 80.
Great fantasy Janice, I too have that fantasy. However in all honesty I would want a public whipping for real. Bloodless, but nice whip marks all over my naked back and bare ass. Public for all to witness, point, ect. My whipping would be by an older, pretty, motherly type, and there would also be an other woman who would count out each lash. I would either be tied arms over my head to a whipping post, or arms spread apart ( spread eagle ) style, either way works. Thanks again Janice.
Dear Readers, I am amazed about the attention this story causes. This particular fantasy of mine seems to be the one I share with most people. But believe me, I didn't write it to appeal to as many of you as possible, I wrote it because it is a fantasy I like. I am just chuffed that you do so too.
Hi Janice, I'm a newcomer to your blog. Just read this story and I like it so much! Since I'm a torture-themed story lover, especially when it sets in medieval era. By the way, could you please make story like this, but with a male as the torture object? That would be great, just personal opinion :) keep writing!
Lunar xoxo
I am a black man that loves this subject but it is too bad black women with their voluptuous bodies and thick asses are rarely the subject matter. I guiltily enjoy the subject of black female slave punishment. Its not that I agree with slavery but I have this detached fantasy about what it was like being a slave master or trusted slave able to whip all those black women of different sizes and shades with different objects from a switch to a paddle in various positions from strung upside down to tied over grabbing the ankles. To do this with impunity must have been great. Also to witness the different reactions of different women of various age groups as they squealed bucked and shrieked. In some cases women would be forced to whip other women. The fantasy of white and black female flogging a completely naked female slave is exciting. Nothing was off limits even smarting the hands and feet. But the buttocks and legs are most arousing. I often wonder what goes through the mind of a female in the position of whipping another female. When I was young I saw a woman whip her 14 year old daughter naked while I hid in a vent. Someone told I had been in the home to which she'd lied. She was forced to strip while her mother retrieved a fishing rod. She tried to convince me to jump out of the window but I pretended to be afraid and convinced her to be quiet for fear of discovery. She waited naked in fear crying and mumbling to herself. She was interestingly 5'9" and bottom heavy. She looked 18. I was 13. She became unraveled upon her mother's entrance. She did not take the whipping well at all and her mother was particularly cruel forcing her daughter to unclench her ass cheeks to fully endure her punishment. I never forgot that day and that's when my fantasies began.
Dear Anonymous, thank you for your comment. I am glad you liked the subject. Trust me, there is nothing to be read into the fact that I don't write about black people. I guess fantasies tend to be close to home, and this is how they have turned out in my head. I don't write about men being whipped either, so it is just how it happens. I agree that slavery and whippings are terrible things, but still they make fascinating fantasies. I did enjoy reading about your experience. I might even be inspired by it.
Thank you for the response. I never assumed that there was anything deep seeded about your not writing about the corporal treatment of black people. In fact, it would be more logical for me to assume such if we were the topic of discussion. I was speaking generally as it is universally rare for black women to be the subject of whippings. The irony to this is that there is a rich history of corporal punishment in relationship to black women in the the world but, particularly in the U.S. I don't care to read about men being whipped it does nothing for me. There are very few sites and virtually no art that depicts black women enduring the intense ordeal of a naked whipping and when you do see or read about such it is weak and one dimensional. By one dimensional I mean you see virtually the same scene played out over and over again with to much blood and usually a whip as the instrument with the recipient strung up. I don't enjoy too much blood as it takes away from the eroticism and skill of whipping and it tends to shorten the punishment. I don't mind a suspension whipping however. Check out the memoirs of Dolly Morton and Stories by The Readers A judicial Caning. What is also missing That I would love to see I a story using black women is the diversity in positions, body type, body shape, and the various reactions of women being smarted with different objects and the same ones. A switch sounds different licking the naked body than a belt or extension cord does. Pauses with rod or wires wrapped in tape elicits a different response than the intense repeated thrashings of a hairbrush or belt. Also the imprint they make during impact and that they leave are distinct. Slave women had different shape buttocks, some had stocky legs and wide hips, others were slim with nice hips and ass, smooth black, brown or fair skin, others had stretch marks, dimples in the skin, and cellulite, some had small or large breast and who buttocks that jiggled when they walked. They were whipped on their hands and feet,made to do exercises
and stretched while whipped. They were contorted many ways like arms tied under the knees held sy a thick piece of stable by a thick piece of wood,hung upside down, sensitive inner thighs whipped,arms and calf smarted, family members made to whip each other, daughters made to whip mothers, spread eagle tied and unrestrained. I have to go now but wanted to give you more ideas. When I return I will describe what was interesting about this whipping my friends mother gave her. She was not restrained so she had been commanded to control her own reactions and I want to respond to your post about my comment on the white imagination, and obnoxious people females getting their just due. I wrote a story like this once and my computer wouldn't post and I lost it. That was the only time I wrote a story.
Nicley written can imagine the women in the crowd encouraging the whip master to beat y hard! shouting things like make her dance! and howl some may be thinking my own daughters need a public beating not clear why in your fantise y got a public whipping great turn on in my fantise i would be the one whipping you
Dear Anonymous, we all have different tastes, and I do not intend to cater for them all. This is about my own imagination, and it may turn out to be not to everybody's taste. There is a great power in the memory you included. I guess we all have these kind of things, these events or thoughts that triggered it all off. Thank you for telling me. Glad you read this story... :-)
Dear Paul, this is a powerful fantasy, I'm glad you liked it, and that it sparked your own.
are you still maybe inspired to write about black female slave whipping?
recently read paulo coelho's "11 minutes" and came to know how pain, pleasure and humiliation are all inter-related
ur story is a short version of the same feeling and beleive me it's awesome...
thinking of being stripped or whipped publically arouses a strong feeling from inside, brutallity just strenthen out the feeling...
and yup the adjoining paintins are also awesome, from next time do add more of those...
Dear Anonymous, we'll see what kinds of whippings there will be. I have no particular fascination for American slavery, or the Atlantic slave trade, but who knows.
Dear Anonymous, haven't read that novel, but now I am a little curious. Those are, indeed, powerful elements, and very human, in a way, I gather.
Dear Janice,
I came across your blog a while ago and have enjoyed many of your stories. One thing I like about them is the feminine, submissive tone you bring to your prose. It's really pleasing to a "dom" type like myself and very much of a turn on. The coolest thing about it is that you you're obviously aroused by the idea and enjoy it, in the opposite way that I do. Two sides of the same coin, as it were. This yin-yang aspect of a dom-submissive relationship is something which has an intuitive feeling of emotional completeness- even the internet. I feel a connection to you via your story. in other words. I wish I could get to know you better.
Dear Anonymous, I agree with you about the Yin-Yang, and I have found that I am definitely Yin, at least when it comes to this kind of things. I'm glad you like my writing.
Dear Butch Judi, It seems the story chimed well with your imagination.
Back in the old days when women were whipped, I have often wondered whether they ever suffered ‘collateral’ damage to their breasts. In the convict colonies of Australia and in the bridewells, convict women and prostitutes were subject to flogging with the cat’o nine tails in the same manner as males – stripped naked to the waist while tied by the wrists high above their head, which exposed and made vulnerable the armpits and the outer sides on the breasts. The strokes were delivered across the upper back and shoulders. With males, I have read that the ends of the cat’s tails used to wrap around the victims side, cutting into the areas of the armpit, breast and ribs. However, in all my research, I have never come across anything that has mentioned any precautions that might have been taken in the case of women victims to protect their breasts from this aspect of flogging. There is a well documented case of a quaker woman, Ann Coleman, who, when flogged across her back in the usual manner, also suffered lacerations to one of her breasts (including the nipple), as the ends of the cat’s tails had wrapped around and cut in under her armpit/breast area throughout her flogging. Was this an isolated case, or was it a regular occurrence when women were whipped in historic times?
Dear Anonymous, this post set your imagination moving, it seems. :-)
Dear Anonymous, I think I read somewhere of some kind of harness or apron thingy put on the culprit for that reason, but I can't remember where I read it. Not sure the one whipping the women had any interest in protecting the victim, though. But I'm not versed in this kind of history.
Janice ur imagination in wat u wrote is wat alot of women fantasise about. The thrill of being at the mercy of others is one that cant be matched.
Dear Anonymous, being at the mercy of others, that's the core of it, I reckon, that and the thought of being treated without mercy, although really the way you want to.
Your at the nerve centre, the ultimate thrill of any human. Lack of control, pain, enjoyment, its a height that cannot be matched. If done correctly the sex that follows takes a woman to pleasure she can only inagine
Dear Anonymous, not sure this story includes any sex.
I was very aroused at your dreams all the while read it i wish i had been there i would have kissed you better very sexy read xxxxx
Your stories are very erotic to read as in a woman and ihave a good few dreams about being whipped in public and woke up very aroused
Did you ever read theMemoirs of Dolly Morton and have you considered writing a story on black female whipping as the subject.
my wife has been suspended naked in a friends backyard andgiven 100 lashes with a bullwhip by his wife it was a great show
Dear Anynous and Anonymous,
Thank you for your comments. It means a lot to hear from you, and, please, accept my apologies for the delay in replying. I'm glad you liked the story. Thank you.
Dear Anonymous, and Anonymous, again,
No, I haven't read of Dolly Morton. I have nothing in principle against black women being whipped. I think I tend to imagine myself as the heroine, in some way, or another, and that, I suppose, is reflected in the choice of appearance and environment. Being given 100 lashes sounds harsh, but exciting.
Dear Janice reading your story of being punished with the whip got me really aroused I had to masturbated please keep up with these sexy storey's your horny admirer
Hello Janice
Great story. You really know how to excite us, that have these same sexual fantasies.
I also have fantasies of being public flogged or imagine someone girls, that attracts me also being whipped, but I always wondered what the reason these fantasy be so exciting. Do you have any idea?
hello Janice
Great story. You really know how us, that have these same sexual fantasies.
I also have fantasies of being public flogged or imagine someone girls that attracts me also being whipped , but I always wondered what the reason these fantasy be so exciting. Do you have any idea?
Janice your ability to arouse a man to what is the ultimate fantasy is unmatched. Your beauty in this subject is unmatched.
Great Story! I'm an older male who enjoys many spanking whipping fantasies, but this type of scene is at the top of my list. You did a wonderful job with your story.
Question: If you had the opportunity by some magic to be put in such a situation,where you would be subject to a whipping punishment, not knowing precisely how bad but something like in your story, but you would then come back to your world without anyone knowing and without one mark or injury to you body--would you do it? You would feel all the pain but just for a brief time and then you would be back to your old life.
Thanks again for the story!
Dear Anonymous, I'm glad you liked the story. I enjoyed writing it.
Dear Melqui, I have often asked myself that question. But when you think of it, isn't it a kind of performance, you're on the stage, being looked at by everyone, and you're naked, or near naked, which is potentially exciting in itself, and you're performing your fantasies, being whipped. But why humiliation can be exciting I haven't really figured out, yet.
Dear Anonymous, thank you for the kind words. I don't write to excite, I write because I enjoy it.
Dear Anonymous, I fear I would chicked out, not being a very public and brave person, but, sure, there is a part of me who would jump at the opportunity.
absolutely loved this story!on 'kinktalk' i have actually written my own little story 'the whipping post'-all about a 'haunted' whipping post located in a west country village in england in the mid 70's
Dear Secret Spanker,
Sorry for the delay, your comment got mislaid, by me. Maybe I deserve a spanking for that. Isn't it lovely with stories?
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